With their captivating beauty, roses have rightfully earned their title as the "queen of flowers." However, beyond their aesthetic charm and symbolic significance, these magnificent blooms offer a surprising array of health and beauty benefits when consumed as tea. Notably, rose tea possesses amazing ability to nourish beauty from within, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion. 

trà, tea, trà hoa hồng, rose tea

Beauty benefits from rose tea 

1. Anti-aging

Rose tea contains lots of vitamins A, C, B, E, K and tannic acid. The rich source of vitamins acts as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals, thereby helping to slow down the skin aging process. The nutrients in rose tea also help reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin effectively.

2. Anti inflammatory and treats acne 

Rose tea contains a lot of vitamins B and C that help effectively fight inflammation and prevent acne thanks to its ability to promote collagen production, fight inflammation and restore skin damage. Besides, rose petals also help reduce skin irritation and sunburn. 

Rose tea also contains Phenyl Ethanol - an antiseptic compound that helps prevent and treat acne. Using rose tea regularly will help clear acne quickly as well as help your skin become healthier from the inside.

trà hoa hồng, rose tea, beauty, sắc đẹp

3. Moisturizes skin 

Rose tea provides moisture to the skin to keep it moist and firm. Ellagitannin and Epigallocatechin gallate in rose petals also help treat seborrheic dermatitis.

4. Smoothes and nourishes hair 

Not only does rose tea have many benefits for the skin, rose tea also helps nourish stronger and smoother hair. All thanks to the abundant vitamin content in rose petals that act as lipid and protein antioxidants in hair molecules, thereby helping hair grow healthier, stronger and prevent hair loss.

trà, tea, chăm sóc da, hair care

How to make a tasty cup of rose tea

There are many ways to make a delicious and healthy cup of rose tea. Below are two simple and popular ways to make rose tea for you to use.

1. Rose tea from fresh rose 

Fresh rose tea has the original taste and aroma of roses, strong but not too intense. The taste of fresh rose tea will be slightly sour, making the overall cup of tea both delicious and relaxing. Making fresh rose tea is also extremely simple. You can refer to the steps that CHUS suggests below. 

trà, tea, trà hoa hồng, rose tea, chăm sóc da, skincare


- 5-6 rose buds (this ratio is for making 250ml tea) 

- Fresh water 

- Salt 


- Wash rose buds with salt water to remove dirt, be careful not to be too harsh or you will crush the petals 

- Drain the rose buds, put them in a pot 

- Pour it about 200-250ml hot water (880-90 Celsius degrees) into the pot, let it stay still in about 20 minutes then you can enjoy tasty cup of rose tea. 

2. Rose tea from dried rose 

Compared to preparing fresh rose infusions, which can be time-consuming, dried rose tea boasts simplicity and speed. Fortunately, reputable brands offer a variety of pre-dried rose tea options readily available for purchase. By simply steeping these with boiling water, you can create a beautiful and beneficial beverage.

You can take a look at these rose tea flavors suggestions from CHUS for more selections. 

Dried rose tea  

trà, tea, trà hoa hồng sấy khô, dried rose tea

Naturally dried rose tea from rose petals and buds, with the pure flavor of roses. This is the ideal choice for those who love the simple, rustic taste of flower tea.

Dried rose bud tea 

trà, tea, trà hoa hồng nguyên nụ, rose bud tea

Rose tea from rose buds still retains its flavor and health and skin benefits, but when brewing tea, the rose buds will slowly bloom, making your rose tea pot/pot more beautiful.

Rose tea and black tea 

trà, tea, trà đen, black tea, trà hoa hồng, rose tea

Rose tea marinated with black tea provides a strong, slightly astringent and fragrant tea flavor, providing a pure, balanced flavor between black tea and rose - a suitable choice for pure tea lovers.

Rose tea and hibiscus tea 

trà, tea, trà hoa hồng, rose tea, trà hibiscus, hibiscus tea

If you don't like the simple rose tea, you can refer to rose and hibiscus tea. Besides the passionate rose flavor, the hibiscus flower ingredient brings a refreshing, mild sweet and sour taste to your overall cup of rose tea. In addition, mint rose tea is also a choice worth considering if you like the fresh, refreshing feeling of mint.

Some cautions when drinking rose tea  

- Not recommended for pregnant women

- Using hot water around 80-90 degrees to make tea is most appropriate. Avoid using water that is too boiling to brew tea as it will affect the flavor and nutritional content of the tea

- The appropriate amount of tea for each use is about 5-10 grams, or 5-6 rose buds. Don't drink too much in one day

- Enjoying rose tea in the morning will help clear your mind and promote blood circulation. If it's noon, you should use it around 2-3 pm

- Don't drink tea when hungry. Drinking rose tea during meals will help the body best absorb antioxidants as well as reduce the absorption of excess fat into the body.

- If you are using medication to treat a medical condition, you should consult your doctor before using rose tea in your daily menu.

- It should be noted that roses used to make tea may contain pesticide residue. Therefore, it is necessary to find a reputable, safe and clean source of rose tea so as not to affect your health


trà, tea, trà hoa hồng, rose tea, lợi ích, benefits

This article has explored the multifaceted benefits of rose tea, extending beyond its undeniable aesthetic appeal. CHUS hopes that with this article, you can have more floral tea options to enjoy and take care of your skin effectively.

You can find all these tea suggestions above on Chus.vn, offering you a convenient avenue to purchase them for both your personal enjoyment and the well-being of your loved ones.