In Vietnamese culture, giving gifts to loved ones is often seen as a refined expression of affection and care. However, choosing a suitable gift that carries deep meaning is not always easy. Some opinions suggest that silver should not be given to boyfriends or girlfriends for various reasons. So, is that true? Let's explore with Chus to find out whether giving silver to a lover is appropriate or not!

Myths about silver gift taboo and the truth behind them:

1. Silver creates rifts in love

It's said that the word "silver" implies "fading love" or "treachery," suggesting that silver is not suitable as a gift for lovers. However, in reality, silver jewelry or accessories can be both elegant and refined. Long-term couples often exchange rings, bracelets, earrings, or necklaces made of silver.

2. Silver might bring bad luck

Similarly to the explanation above, some believe that the "fading silver" will hinder one's work, business development, and invite misfortune. Instead, they suggest choosing gold as a gift. However, this notion is baseless. While gold might be advised due to its higher value and solemnity in some cases, gifting silver does not bring bad luck.

3. Silver jewelry can be too expensive

Silver jewelry may be considered expensive, but compared to gold or gemstones, its value is not significantly high. However, for new couples, it might not be suitable to give each other silver gifts due to their significant value and meaning. Instead, opt for small, handmade gifts. Additionally, for couples who are still students, silver gifts might not fit their budget.

4. Silver may not suit everyone

Often, women ask: Is gold or silver more suitable? This depends on personal color preferences, which involve factors like skin tone, undertone, or overtone, as well as facial features. Whether silver suits or not also depends on makeup and clothing styles. Therefore, consider the recipient's preferences to ensure that the gift matches their style.

5. Silver doesn't express affection

Some believe that silver gifts don't express sincerity in emotions because they are too common and ordinary. However, this is not true. Regardless of the gift, it is given with heartfelt sincerity. Furthermore, some handcrafted silver products made by skilled artisans, such as silver beans, carry even greater spiritual and unique significance.

6. Silver is only suitable for special occasions

Many people reserve silver for special occasions. While this might be true, silver can still be worn daily based on personal preferences and lifestyle. Therefore, consider the recipient's lifestyle when deciding whether to gift silver jewelry.

7. Silver is only suitable for older people

Because "silver" sounds like "gray hair," a characteristic color of older people, some believe that silver is only suitable for them. However, this is unfounded. In fact, older people not only suit silver but also other types of jewelry like gold. Conversely, young people also enjoy wearing silver. Silver is a practical gift suitable for all ages, as long as there is closeness between the parties.

When to avoid giving silver to a lover?

While giving gifts is a way to express affection and care, sometimes giving silver gifts may not truly reflect the intended meaning or even harm the relationship. Here are some situations when giving silver might not be appropriate:

1. The recipient is allergic to silver:

Some people have sensitive skin and may experience redness or itching when wearing silver jewelry or conventional alloy accessories. If your lover has sensitive skin, it's best not to give silver. In this case, gold, although more expensive, would be a more suitable choice because of its inert properties and lower allergy risk.

2. The lover doesn't like silver jewelry:

For aesthetic or personal reasons, your lover may not like silver gifts. If your lover doesn't like it, you can choose other types of gifts instead. At Chus, there are many carefully crafted, meaningful handmade gift options for you to choose from.

3. You haven't been together for too long:

The belief that silver gifts are taboo may be a reason for this. In fact, although silver is cheaper than gold or gemstones, it still holds considerable value. Therefore, new couples who don't know each other deeply should not give such expensive gifts.

4. When feelings are not clear:

Giving silver gifts can create unnecessary pressure and discord in the relationship if the level of emotional commitment has not been agreed upon between the two parties. Sometimes, this can lead to misunderstandings about the purpose of giving gifts and undermine the freedom in the relationship.

5. No intention for a deeper commitment:

Silver rings are seen as a special engagement item, a promise of a long-lasting commitment between loving couples. Therefore, if you or your partner has no intention of deepening the relationship, it's best not to give silver jewelry, especially silver rings. Because then, if something happens, the silver ring can become a sad memory.

6. Causing discomfort:

Sometimes, receiving a silver gift can create discomfort and unease in the relationship. This may happen when one feels pressured to reciprocate with an equally valuable gift or when receiving an unexpected gift that causes unpleasant surprise.

Therefore, the main reasons are related to emotions: Are you and your partner close enough and connected enough to give each other such a prestigious gift? Therefore, carefully consider the status of the relationship to choose an appropriate gift.

The significance of giving silver gifts in love:

1. Expressing affection and sincerity:

Silver gifts express affection and sincerity, especially in long-lasting relationships. They symbolize warmth and deep care, contributing to strengthening the bond between two people and making it more stable and meaningful.

2. Demonstrating elegance and aesthetic taste

Silver is a symbol of elegance and aesthetic taste, reflected in its exquisite beauty and sophistication. With a combination of refined design and precious materials, silver products are not only high-class gifts but also expressions of importance and uniqueness on many occasions.

3. High-value gifts

Silver gifts are not only high-value gifts but also symbols of luxury and class. With their sparkling beauty and exquisite quality, silver products often leave a strong impression and contribute to honoring the recipient's value.

4. Memorable souvenirs

Silver is not just a gift but also a symbol of memories and cherished moments. With its steadfast value and special beauty that lasts over time, silver accessories such as silver rings, earrings, or brooches often become special highlights in life. Giving silver gifts is a great way to capture precious moments.

In conclusion,

Chus hope that with this article, you have found an answer to the question "Should you give silver to your lover?" Giving silver gifts to a loved one is a special way to express affection and care. However, the most important thing is the meaning and sincerity of love.

If you are looking for the perfect silver gift, visit Chus, where you can find handmade silver products crafted by meticulous artisans. From Vietnamese conical hat-shaped silver jewelry, imbued with the spirit of Vietnam from Tiệm Bạc Minh Tâm; to meticulously crafted Vietnamese silver art from Silver Soul Studio; all are sure to create elegant and luxurious silver gifts. Surely, the gift will make your loved one feel special and appreciated.