- Cảm ơn đánh giá của bạn, tiệm mình sẽ rút kinh nghiệm lần sau ạ. ^^ mong bạn có trải nghiệm tốt khi mua hàng ở tiệm ạ.
- Size: 12 x 7cm
- Material: Linen

Transform your look with these Embroidered Ribbon Hair Clips from Tạp Hoá Ú.
Crafted from a highly absorbent and breathable fabric, this Embroidered Ribbon Hair Clip at Tạp Hoá Ú not only keeps your hair looking neat but it is also the perfect accessory to help you look more trendy and stand out in any outfit.
In addition, the decorative motif on Embroidered Ribbon Hair Clips is embroidered beautifully by hand which makes it more durable.

Chus note
Why we CHUS it
About Tạp Hóa Ú

Ms. Tuyen founded Tap Hoa to provide linen products such as clothings, hair clips, and cute handbags in the Vietnamese consumer market. She has always been passionate about handcrafted embroidered products and that passion resonates through each of her creations.
All products are handmade and linen is handpicked from reliable and safe sources. Products by Tap Hoa are designed with inspirations from different sources, therefore each product carries a different style.
Product quality is always top priority and achieved through a closed and intricate manufacturing process. Tap Hoa U strives to impart happiness to their customers through their products.