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Hồ Chí Minh
Lâm Ngọc
Vỏ gối lụa satin cao cấp thắt nơ đã giúp mình có những giấc ngủ ngon hơn. Chất liệu mềm mại, thoáng mát không gây bí bách (y)
Hồ Chí Minh
Võ Ngọc Mai
Bao gối lụa mềm mại, mịn màng và thoáng khí, giúp mình ngủ ngon hơn rất nhiều. Shop còn có dịch vụ thêu tên miễn phí
Thổ Cẩm PIÊU - Brocade Decor
Hồ Chí Minh
Elaine Kim
It's the perfect way to add a touch of ethnic flair to my home decor. I love the intricate embroidery on the cover, and the colors are so vibrant. The cover is soft and comfortable to the touch.
The Goods
Hồ Chí Minh
Linh Trần
Chắc chắn, nặng tay, đa dụng nữa chứ. Nếu là để quần áo thì sẽ hơi nhỏ, mình chọn để đồ chơi cho con, và đang mua thêm một cái để trang trí chậu cây lớn.
Hồ Chí Minh
very silky, top quality, I love the soft feeling of this silk bedding. Love it.
ÓNG heartmadeinvietnam
Đà Nẵng
Nhâm Hòa Hiệp
Mịn lắm luôn. Rất thích. Đúng là tiền nào của đó í
Hemp Oi
Hồ Chí Minh
Elaine Kim
The cushion is that it's very soft. The hemp fabric is smooth. It's also very breathable, so I don't get hot or sweaty when I'm using it.
Hồ Chí Minh
Khanh Ly Pham
Từ khi đổi sang vỏ gối lụa này, tóc mình bớt rối hẳn, cảm giác sướng như đang được ngủ trong cung điện ấy chứ không đùa.
Hồ Chí Minh
Hồng Loan
Chất cotton mềm mại, mịn màng, ôm cực thích. Giặt xong phơi nhanh khô, không bị nhăn rúm. Đặc biệt ưng ý với đường may tỉ mỉ, chắc chắn
Hồ Chí Minh
Vũ Hải Annh
Chất liệu cotton thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, không tạo cảm giác bí bách. Gối cũng êm ái, ôm cực đã. Mình thích nhất là giặt giũ dễ dàng, nhanh khô, không lo phai màu hay xù lông
Hồ Chí Minh
Nguyễn Lan Anh
Chất lượng khỏi chê, thêu tên đẹp, màu sắc trang nhã, dùng để decor phòng ngủ cũng xinh xắn vô cùng
Hồ Chí Minh
Hồng Lam
Đẹp và chất lượng. CSKH tốt và nhiệt tình dù mình toàn nhắn tin hỏi khi đã quá giờ hành chính. Mua đề phòng những khi trẻ đi chơi khá phù hợp
Hồ Chí Minh
Đan Linh
Chất lượng túi ngủ vượt xa mong đợi. Giá cả hợp lý, rất đáng để đầu tư cho những chuyến đi chơi cùng bé
Hồ Chí Minh
This product has no reviews
Hồ Chí Minh
Đào Lê
Chất liệu mềm mịn, mát rượi giúp mình ngủ ngon hơn, mình đã rinh ngay thêm mấy cái để tặng cho bạn bè rồi nè!

Category Information

Embrace your dream with high-quality bedding essentials - all made in Vietnam with care and love

Here at CHUS, we believe a good night's sleep is the foundation for a healthy, happy life. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our new Bedding category, featuring a curated selection of high-quality Vietnamese products designed to elevate your sleep experience and promote overall well-being.

Our focus is simple: natural, safe materials for superior comfort and a touch of Vietnamese serenity. We source from skilled artisans and established brands who prioritize sustainable practices and traditional techniques, ensuring you get the best that Vietnam has to offer.

Step into a World of Comfort with CHUS

The CHUS’s Bedding category offers a variety of products to transform your bedroom into a haven of relaxation:

1. Bed sheet:

Indulge in the luxurious softness of our premium bed sheets made from organic cotton or silk. These breathable fabrics are gentle on your skin and help regulate temperature throughout the night.

Drap trải giường, drap trải giường lụa, bed sheet, silk bed sheet

2. Pillowcases 

We offer a range of pillows crafted from natural materials like kapok (a silky plant fiber) and buckwheat hulls. These hypoallergenic options provide excellent support and pressure relief, catering to different sleeping styles. 

bao gối, vỏ gối, vỏ gối lụa, pillowcase, silk pillowcase, vỏ gối cao cấp premium pillowcases

There are also pillow models made from unique materials such as benign and safe hemp fabric, handmade by traditional Vietnamese artisans.

3. Goodnight Sprays: 

Embrace the calming power of nature with our selection of goodnight sprays. Made with a blend of soothing Vietnamese herbs like lavender, lemongrass, and chamomile, these sprays create a tranquil atmosphere that promotes relaxation and restful sleep. They can also be used for bed sheets, pillows to fills your mind with tranquil and pleasant scents. 

Xịt ngủ ngon, good nigh spray, spray for bed, xịt thơm mền gối

4. Sedge Baskets: 

Add a touch of Vietnamese charm and functionality to your bedroom with our handwoven baskets made of natural materials such as sedge, water hyacinth.... These versatile pieces can be used for storage, laundry hampers, or even side tables, adding a natural touch to your space.

giỏ đựng đồ, giỏ dệt thủ công, đồ dùng phòng ngủ, basket, eco baskets, bedding essentials

Why Choose Bedding Essentials at CHUS?

At CHUS, we prioritize your health and well-being. Here's why we champion natural materials in our bedding collection. More than that, Vietnam boasts a rich history of traditional sleep practices that emphasize natural remedies and a focus on holistic well-being. 

With the Bedding category at CHUS, you can experience a touch of this tranquility in your own home.

1. Hypoallergenic: 

Natural materials like cotton, kapok, and silk are less likely to trigger allergies or irritate sensitive skin.

2. Breathable: 

These materials allow for air circulation, keeping you cool and comfortable throughout the night.

There are also high-quality sleeping robe with delicate designs, enhancing absolute comfort when used.

Áo choàng ngủ, áo choàng ngủ bằng lụa, đồ lụa, sleeping robe, silk sleeping robe, silk

3. Durable: 

Natural fibers are known for their longevity, ensuring your bedding will last for years to come.

4. Sustainable: 

Choosing natural materials supports environmentally friendly practices and reduces your carbon footprint.

We prioritize working with brands that utilize eco-friendly materials and production processes, allowing you to sleep soundly knowing you're making a responsible choice.

Đồ thủ công, thủ công Việt Nam, nghệ nhân Việt Nam, Vietnamese artisans

5. Luxury Comfort by hands:

Many of our products are handmade by skilled artisans, ensuring a unique touch and a connection to Vietnamese craftsmanship. Natural fibers offer a soft, luxurious feel that can't be replicated by synthetic materials.

Elevating Your Sleep Experience With CHUS

Improved Sleep Quality 

Natural materials and proper support from pillows can reduce aches and pains, promote deeper sleep, and leave you feeling more energized each morning.

Reduced Stress

Creating a tranquil sleep environment with soothing scents and natural textures can help you unwind and de-stress before bed.

Enhanced Well-being

A good night's sleep impacts your physical and mental health. By prioritizing sleep hygiene with CHUS Bedding, you're investing in your overall well-being.

Discover the Art of Vietnamese Sleep Right at CHUS

The CHUS Bedding category goes beyond just products. We offer helpful resources and guides to help you create the perfect sleep sanctuary:

Choosing the Right Pillow: We offer information on different types of pillows and how to choose the right one for your sleeping position and needs.

Creating a Sleep Routine: Learn tips on establishing a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality by using good night sprays - a wonderful herbal therapy that helps you relax and sleep better. 

Tips: More than that, you can also check on our Scented Candles, Incense for various choices of aromatic therapies that are good for inner peace. 

The Benefits of Natural Materials: Discover more about the advantages of choosing natural fibers for your bedding.

A good night's sleep is an investment in your health, happiness, and productivity. With CHUS Bedding category, you can create a sleep haven that promotes relaxation, rejuvenation, and a sense of well-being.

Explore our carefully curated collection and discover the difference that natural Vietnamese comfort can make in your sleep. Sweet dreams are just a click away!

CHUS - Connecting Quality Local Products

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