Scented candles not only create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere but also spread a pleasant aroma that soothes the mind after a long day. They have become an essential part of many people's "healing" journey, enriching and calming living spaces.

However, to use candles effectively and safely, you need to grasp some basic principles. This article from Chus will guide you through the details of using scented candles, from lighting and storing to choosing the best candles for your space!

đốt nến thơm đúng cách

Tips for Using Scented Candles

The Basics to Scented Candles

Using scented candles is more than just buying and lighting them. To ensure a great experience, especially if you're new to it, follow these tips to enjoy the delicate fragrance and relaxing atmosphere they provide.

1. Trim the Wick

Trimming the wick is an important but often overlooked step. Before lighting, check the wick. If it's too long, trim it to about 0.6cm. Too long, and the flame becomes unstable; too short, and the wick may get submerged in the melted wax and won't burn properly.

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The right wick length ensures even burning and minimizes black smoke

2. First Burn

The first burn is crucial for future performance. Let the candle burn long enough for the entire surface to melt completely. This prevents "tunneling," where only the middle wax burns while the edges remain intact.

This process usually takes 2-3 hours, depending on the candle size, ensuring even burning and a longer lifespan.

3. Fire Safety When Burning Candles

Safety should always be a priority. Here are some safety tips:

    • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
    • Keep candles away from flammable objects like curtains, paper, and clothes.
    • Avoid areas too windy to maintain a steady flame and prevent sudden extinguishing.
    • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.
    • Place candles on heat-resistant surfaces.
    • Do not move burning candles to avoid spilling hot wax.
    • Extinguish candles before sleeping. Burn candles for 1-2 hours before bedtime to enjoy the scent, then blow them out before sleeping.

cần lưu ý đặt nến ở vị trí an toàn

Scented placement is important for safety and experience

4. Extinguish Candles Properly

Use a candle snuffer instead of blowing out the flame to avoid hot wax splashes and excess smoke.

Common Mistakes with Scented Candles

Avoid these common mistakes to extend candle life and enhance your self care experience with aromatherapy:

  • Not trimming the wick: Leads to uneven burning, more smoke, and reduced candle life.
  • Short burn times: Causes tunneling; burn for at least 2 hours or until the surface melts.
  • Overburning: Overheats the candle, accelerates fragrance evaporation, and destabilizes the wick; limit burns to 4 hours.
  • Placing in drafts: Causes unstable flames, uneven burning, and more smoke; choose a calm spot away from drafts.

hiện tượng thụt tim nến

Avoid burning in too short duration to prevent wick tunneling

Tips for Using Scented Candles

1. Placement

- Place candles in well-ventilated areas without drafts to evenly distribute the scent.

- Avoid placing candles under shelves or in tight spaces for safety.

2. Storage

Store candles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.

- Cover candles when not in use to keep them clean and preserve the fragrance.

3. Combining Scents

- Mix different scented candles at different placement to create a rich, unique fragrance.

- Try compatible scents like lavender with vanilla, or citrus with rosemary for new experiences when moving around the place.

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Place different candle scents at different places

4. Reuse Candle Jars

After burning, repurpose jars to store jewelry, pens, or use as small vases, adding unique decor to your home.

5. Use Candle Tools

Invest in wick trimmers, snuffers, and wick straighteners for safe use and to extend candle life while maintaining the best scent.

dụng cụ đốt nến

Use specific tools for scented candles

Choosing the Right Scented Candle

1. Scent Selection

Choose scents that match personal preferences and space. Popular choices include lavender for relaxation, citrus for energy, and vanilla for warmth.

Consider seasonal scents: light florals for spring/summer, and cinnamon or pine for fall/winter.

Opt for candles made with natural essential oils or certified safe fragrances. Avoid synthetic fragrances that lack therapeutic benefits and may harm health.

chọn mùi hương nến phù hợp

Choose the right candle scent based on needs

2. Wax Types

There are many types of waxes available on the market. Petroleum-based waxes typically include paraffin and microcrystalline, widely used due to their low cost. However, petroleum-based waxes may contain impurities harmful to health when burned.

In contrast, natural waxes such as soy wax, coconut wax, and beeswax are increasingly popular for their safety and environmental friendliness.

When choosing candles, prioritize those made from natural waxes not only to protect health but also to contribute to environmental preservation. These waxes typically do not contain harmful chemicals and provide a safe and pleasant user experience.

Read more: What Types of Wax Are Used in Handmade Scented Candles?

3. Wick Types

There are two common types of wicks available on the market for you to choose based on preference and usage needs. Each type of wick has its own advantages, suitable for different purposes:

  • Cotton wicks: This is the most popular type of wick, easy to light and burns cleanly. Candles with cotton wicks are typically cheaper and suitable for regular candles. They produce less smoke and help candles burn evenly, extending the candle's lifespan.
  • Wooden wicks: This type of wick creates a crackling sound, providing a cozy and relaxing atmosphere when burned. Wooden wick candles usually cost slightly more than cotton wick candles. Additionally, wooden wicks create a beautiful burning effect, making them suitable for special occasions or decorative purposes.

nến bấc gỗ

Wooden wick scented candles are loved for its soothing sound and scene when burnt

Bottom lines

Using scented candles correctly enhances their fragrance and ensures safety. We hope this article provides helpful insights for selecting and using candles effectively. Shop high-quality, handcrafted candles at Chus. Our products, made from natural materials, are safe and eco-friendly, selected from skilled artisans and trusted sellers. Enjoy relaxing moments with the soft glow of scented candles!