The tradition of tea appreciation has become an integral part of Vietnamese culture, spanning from ancient times to the present day, permeating both the life and soul of the Vietnamese people. With a history of 4000 years, tea is not only a mere beverage but also a connecting element between people, embodying emotions, and fostering relationships, especially with mothers.

Join Chus - the place where the quintessence of Vietnamese goods is gathered - to explore 5 high-quality and meaningful types of tea to gift to mothers on special occasions!

Why Tea is an Ideal Choice as a Gift for Mothers?

Choosing tea as a gift for mothers transcends mere material exchange; it symbolizes a deep-seated affection imbued with profound meanings and spiritual resonance. Tea, with its inherent ability to induce relaxation and its symbolic representation of refinement, makes it an ideal choice for expressing sentiments of love and appreciation.

Tea culture has become an indispensable facet of daily existence for the Vietnamese populace. From the warm embrace of welcoming guests into the home to the convivial gatherings of family, from the solemnity of festivals to the milestones of life, each sip of tea is imbued with significance, forging spiritual connections between individuals.

Các loại trà phù hợp tặng mẹ

Beyond its symbolic significance, gifting tea to mothers yields tangible health benefits. Tea serves as a bulwark against heart ailments, aids in weight management, enhances cognitive faculties, and regulates insulin levels. For the elderly, regular consumption of tea contributes to overall well-being and vitality, making it a thoughtful and health-conscious gift choice.

5 Most Suitable and Meaningful Types of Tea to Gift Mothers

1. Ancient Snow Shan Tea:

Discovered deep within the lofty peaks of Northwest Vietnam, Ancient Snow Shan Tea epitomizes purity and rarity. Its pristine white hue mirrors the serene majesty of mountain forests, while its delicate aroma evokes the essence of youth and vitality.

trà biếu cao cấp

2. Scented Tea:

Hailing from the verdant landscapes of Bao Loc, Scented Tea is a testament to human ingenuity amidst adversity. Infused with floral fragrances and herbal sweetness, each cup offers solace and serenity, transcending the trials of life.

hộp quà trà biếu cao cấp

3. Hook-shaped Tea:

Resembling the gentle curve of a fishing hook, this high-grade tea from young tea buds delights the senses with its sweet, refreshing flavor and captivating aroma. Perfect for intimate moments and heartfelt conversations, it fosters a sense of closeness and tranquility.

Trà móc câu

4. Chrysanthemum Tea:

Symbolizing resilience and rejuvenation, Chrysanthemum Tea embodies the essence of vitality. Its delicate aroma and mild sweetness offer respite from the rigors of daily life, while its myriad health benefits promote holistic well-being.

Trà hoa cúc 

5. Lotus Heart Tea: 

Crafted from the seeds of the lotus flower, Lotus Heart Tea exudes a unique blend of sweetness and bitterness. Revered for its calming properties and digestive benefits, it fosters deep relaxation and promotes restful sleep.

Trà tâm sen

Tips for High-Quality Tea

Almost every Vietnamese family possesses at least one teapot on their hospitality table. However, selecting excellent tea according to the standards of tea connoisseurs is not common knowledge. To pick the right tea, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • Tea Color: The tea should have a luscious green hue without any cloudiness, and the sediment at the bottom should consist of dark green tea leaves.
  • Tea Leaves: Dry tea leaves should be uniform and finely cut, with a curved shape resembling a fishing hook. For flower tea or herbal tea, choose varieties with consistent colors and no signs of discoloration.
  • Taste: The tea should possess a rich aroma reminiscent of rice husks, with a smooth, mild bitterness and a deep, lingering sweetness, particularly exhibiting a mellow aftertaste. High-quality herbal teas should showcase the distinct aroma of their respective botanicals, devoid of any stale or musty flavors.
  • Spirit: Tea enjoyment should evoke a prolonged sense of refreshment and contentment after consumption.
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Closing Words

It's fair to say that tea has truly become ingrained in Vietnamese life. Enjoying tea isn't just about tasting its bitter-sweet flavors; it's also about sharing moments with loved ones. So, why wait? Head to Chus and pick out a tea for your mother. Let Vietnamese tea capture every precious moment!