For many, scented candles are an essential part of creating a calming atmosphere, setting the mood for a special occasion, or simply enjoying a moment of self-care. But have you ever wondered where these fragrant flames originated? 

The history of scented candles is a fascinating journey that stretches back millennia, revealing how different civilizations used them to enhance their lives.

A Journey Through the History of Scented Candles

Ancient Illuminations: The Birth of the Candle

While the exact origin of candles remains shrouded in mystery, archaeological evidence suggests their use dates back as far as 5,000 years. The ancient Egyptians are believed to have been among the first to create candles, crafting them from a combination of tallow (animal fat) and reeds around 3000 BC. These early versions provided light for everyday tasks, but with a less than desirable aroma.

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

The Romans and the Dawn of Wick Technology

Fast forward to 500 BC, and the Romans entered the scene with a significant advancement - the wick candle. They created these by repeatedly dipping rolled papyrus into melted tallow or beeswax. This invention not only improved efficiency but also laid the groundwork for scented candles as we know them today.

Medieval Light and the Quest for Better Smells

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages saw a surge in candle usage across Europe. Tallow remained the primary material, but its unpleasant animal fat odor quickly became a problem. In an attempt to combat this issue, some European cities even banned tallow candle production.

The solution? Beeswax. While more expensive, beeswax candles offered a cleaner-burning alternative. However, their cost restricted their use to the wealthy, the church, and royalty.

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

The more demand for scented candles increases, the higher the price increases, leading to scented candles becoming a "monopoly" of the rich.

Global Innovations: Beyond Europe

While Europe grappled with smelly candles, other civilizations around the world were developing their own unique candle-making traditions. 

In China, wicks were crafted from rolled rice paper, and the wax came from a surprising source – a combination of insects and seeds, or even whale fat.

Meanwhile, the Japanese utilized wax extracted from tree nuts, and India boasted candles made from boiled cinnamon berries. These likely became the first candles to emit a pleasant fragrance when burned, demonstrating the global quest for fragrant illumination.

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

Depending on different countries, there will be unique recipes for making scented candles

The Rise of Science and the Birth of Modern Scented Candles

The 19th century marked a turning point. Advancements in wax production and candle-making machinery paved the way for the mass production of scented candles. This shifted their role from purely functional to decorative. Suddenly, scented candles of all shapes, sizes, and colors emerged, and the first commercially available scented candles became a reality.

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

 A remarkable change when scented candles are not only used for lighting, but also as decorative items

From Utility to Art: The Modern Scented Candle

Today, scented candles have transcended their utilitarian origins. They are not just sources of light, but beautiful objects designed to elevate our spaces and enhance our moods. The gentle glow of a candle paired with a carefully chosen scent can transport us to a peaceful forest, a sun-kissed beach, or a cozy bakery, creating a truly immersive experience.

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

Scented candles are increasingly diverse in design and function such as scented candles with names engraved, words engraved,...

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

...scented tealight candles are easy to use, compact and very suitable for party decorations...,

Nến thơm, scented candles, trị liệu bằng mùi hương, aromatherapy, mùi hương thư giãn, relaxing scents, xoa dịu tâm hồn, inner peace healing

...or scented candles shaped like statues to adorn the living room or desk

Scented candles have become a symbol of relaxation, self-care, and mindful living. Whether it's the delicate floral fragrance, refreshing citrus notes or the earthy scents of wood, these flickering flames offer a simple yet powerful way to connect with our senses and promote a sense of well-being.


So next time you light a scented candle, take a moment to appreciate its rich history. It's a testament to human ingenuity, our desire for light, and the enduring allure of fragrance in enhancing our lives.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Vietnamese scented candles at CHUS! Our "Scented Candles" category boasts a collection crafted with natural ingredients. Beyond their purity, the variety of scent profiles, designs, and uses ensures there's a perfect candle for you and your loved ones to unwind together.