In the daily lives of women, menstrual periods often cause discomfort such as abdominal pain and fatigue. A natural solution that many women are now favoring to ease this discomfort is drinking herbal tea. Certain herbal teas not only help regulate the menstrual cycle but also alleviate the associated symptoms. With anti-inflammatory properties, herbal teas can soothe the abdomen and provide a sense of comfort during those “time of the month” days.

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Keeping track of periods

Some herbal teas that may help regulate menstrual cycles:

1. Rose Tea:


Roses are not just symbols of love; they also harbor numerous health benefits. Apart from their aesthetic appeal, roses are found in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and even food products.

Rose tea is no exception. It can be considered one of the best teas for women as rose petals contain vitamins and minerals beneficial for health such as vitamin C, various B vitamins, vitamin K, carotene, calcium, and potassium. Roses also have hormone-regulating effects and can help reduce stress and anxiety when consumed regularly.

Moreover, rose tea is excellent for regulating menstruation because it promotes blood circulation, especially in the lower abdomen. However, women with excessive blood circulation should avoid drinking rose tea during their menstrual cycle.

Currently, rose tea is often processed and packaged from dried rosebuds. When steeped in warm water, these dried buds slowly bloom into beautiful roses.

Brewing Method:

  • Option 1: Steep 2-3 grams (7-9 rose buds) in about 150ml of 80-85°C water for 10 minutes. Add rock sugar, kiwi, or jujubes for added benefits.
  • Option 2: Steep 5-7 dried rose buds with 1-2 mint leaves in 200ml of boiling water for a fragrant and nutritious tea.

2. Jujube and Goji Berry Tea


Jujube and goji berry tea is beloved by Asian women. Both jujubes and goji berries are precious ingredients in traditional Oriental medicine.

goji berries are rich in betaine, which helps nourish the brain and improve the immune system. They also have anti-aging properties and can lower blood pressure.

Jujubes are high in fiber and essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, protein, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron. These vitamins enhance women's health and promote blood circulation during menstruation and postpartum periods.

Brewing Method:

  • Slice 4-5 jujubes thinly and add to a teapot along with 5g of kiwi seeds (about 25-30 seeds).
  • Pour boiling water over the mixture and steep for 15-20 minutes. Add honey or brown sugar to taste.

3. Chamomile Tea:


Chamomile contains compounds with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, soothing the body during menstruation. These anti-inflammatory compounds help minimize tissue and organ damage in the uterus, reducing abdominal discomfort. Moreover, chamomile tea has a comforting nature, aiding in reducing premenstrual and menstrual tension.

However, before usage, it's advisable to seek advice from a doctor to ensure there are no adverse effects on your specific health condition. Particularly, individuals with low blood pressure or asthma should avoid using chamomile tea.

Brewing Chamomile Tea:

  • Place 5-10g of dried chamomile flowers into a teapot, pour hot water (about 80-85°C) over them, and steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • You can add honey or brown sugar to enhance the flavor.
  • Chamomile flowers can also be combined with red apple or longan for a nutritious herbal tea.

4. Ginger Black Sugar Tea:

Benefits: The main ingredients include black sugar and ginger. Black sugar is the final product after extracting cane sugar, containing a high iron content, promoting hemoglobin production in the blood, thus aiding in blood enrichment and reducing menstrual cramps in women. Additionally, ginger has warming properties that help alleviate nausea symptoms and improve blood circulation, thereby reducing uncomfortable abdominal pain during menstruation.

Brewing Ginger Black Sugar Tea:

  • Place 2 slices of fresh ginger into a teapot (you can lightly crush them beforehand), pour hot water over them, and steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then, add 2-3 pieces of black sugar and stir well before enjoying.
  • Nowadays, ginger black sugar tea is often packed into square tea bags, ensuring hygiene and easy preparation. Just drop a tea bag into water at around 80-85°C, stir well, and enjoy the full flavor.

5. Cinnamon Tea:


Cinnamon has a sweet and spicy taste, thick bark, and a distinctive aroma. Besides being a common spice, cinnamon can also provide the body with fiber and essential vitamins such as iron, manganese, zinc, and magnesium. Cinnamon also contains many antioxidants, improving cardiovascular health and reducing cold symptoms by boosting the immune system.

During menstruation, women's immune systems may weaken. Therefore, cinnamon tea can help support a healthier body during this period. Additionally, cinnamon tea aids in blood circulation, thereby reducing menstrual cramps and alleviating premenstrual symptoms. Thanks to its warming nature, cinnamon can also alleviate nausea during menstruation for some women.

Two common forms of cinnamon tea are tea bags and cinnamon sticks.

Brewing Cinnamon Tea:

  • If using tea bags, place 1-2 tea bags into a cup, pour about 300-500ml of 80°C hot water, and steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • If using cinnamon sticks, take one stick and soak it in hot water, or break the stick into small pieces, put it in a pot, and steep with hot water.
  • Both bagged and stick forms of cinnamon tea can be brewed for 2-3 servings of tea.
  • You can add brown sugar and 1-2 slices of orange to enhance the flavor.

Healthy Habits to Regulate Menstruation

In addition to choosing herbal teas to support menstrual regulation, you should also pay attention to your lifestyle and health status.

Menstrual irregularities in women can stem from many causes, both objective and subjective. Objective causes include genetic factors, medical conditions, changes in living environments, changes in hormone levels due to medication or age, etc.

However, there are still some subjective factors that you can adjust. Some healthy habits that help balance and regulate menstrual cycles include:

1. Healthy, Balanced Diet

  • Increase consumption of a variety of green vegetables and fruits: Provides adequate vitamins and minerals.
  • Limit processed foods containing preservatives and foods high in sugar: To maintain weight and stabilize hormones - a crucial factor for regular menstrual cycles.

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2. Regular Exercise

  • Practice yoga or meditation: Helps reduce stress and balance hormones.
  • Other exercises like walking, swimming: Improve blood circulation and increase endorphin hormone levels, helping the body reduce stress and limit irregular menstrual conditions.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

  • Combine a reasonable diet with appropriate physical activity: To control weight and maintain an ideal BMI.

4. Adequate Sleep

  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night: Helps the body repair damage and maintain overall health.
  • Lack of sleep can cause physical fatigue and mental stress. Therefore, try to arrange for sufficient and quality sleep. Excessive stress can lead to early or irregular menstruation.

By incorporating these healthy habits into your lifestyle, you can contribute to regulating your menstrual cycle and maintaining overall well-being.

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Herbal teas have long been known for their numerous health benefits for everyone. Through this article, CHUS hopes to provide women with more options to balancing menstrual cycles as well as soothing stomach cramps during your period.

Visit CHUS to explore high-quality herbal teas and enjoy natural comfort with every sip.