Curious how CHUS makes your perfect gift dream a reality? In this part, let’s take a closer look at how we study and understand the customer journey. We follow the path you take from the initial search to making that final decision, ensuring we offer the perfect solutions that match your desires and the recipient’s preferences.

How English-Speaking Customers Shop for Gifts

For English-speaking participants, the gift-shopping process tends to be straightforward. Many start by entering what they believe are the right keywords into Google (33.3%), while others prefer the hands-on experience of browsing directly in offline shops (31.4%). This preference for offline shopping may stem from a desire for a hands-on experience, allowing them to physically assess potential gifts. 

On the other hand, turning to e-commerce platforms like Shopee or Lazada is less of a go-to option for this group, likely due to concerns about delivery reliability, especially the challenge of communicating with delivery personnel who may not speak English.

Insights from the Vietnamese-Speaking Customer Journey

When we shift our focus to Vietnamese-speaking participants, the journey takes on a different form.

chọn lựa

Do you think Vietnamese also prefer on-site shopping?

In a surprising twist, 30% of the 684 Vietnamese-speaking respondents revealed that major e-commerce platforms are their go-to for finding the "Perfect Gift," followed by Google searches (22.7%) and offline purchases (17.3%).

This suggests that many consumers prioritize convenience and the ability to compare prices, typically turning to these platforms with a clear idea of what they want, focusing on getting the best deal rather than deciding "what to buy,” unlike English-speaking expats. 

Why E-commerce in Vietnam Rises

The preference for online shopping in Vietnam reflects the country’s booming e-commerce market and the strong trust these platforms have earned from consumers.

For many, "online shopping" has become synonymous with major platforms like Shopee and Lazada. Phrases like “surfing Shopee” or “surfing Lazada” are now commonly understood to mean online shopping.

elements of gifting  shopping

This association stems from several factors, including the powerful marketing campaigns (*) executed by these platforms, which have made them particularly attractive with frequent discounts and promotions.

Even before the pandemic, there was a growing trend among Vietnamese consumers to prioritize finding the best prices online. The ability to easily compare prices, access a wide range of products, and enjoy the convenience of home delivery made e-commerce platforms an appealing choice for cost-conscious and time-conscious shoppers alike.

The Covid-19 (*) pandemic further accelerated this trend. As the economy slowed and incomes dropped, people became even more focused on saving money, often turning to online platforms to find the best deals. This trend shows that even when searching for thoughtful gifts, Vietnamese consumers frequently begin their journey online.

Overall, price and convenience remain key drivers of online shopping, but the role of marketing strategies and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be overlooked in shaping this growing trend. As we continue, let's explore how Chus gifting journey differs.

The Gift Shopping Journey

Our ambition at CHUS is to gather those who seek a different customer journey—who are in search of unique, thoughtful gifts that stand out. If you’re someone who desires more than a standard present—someone looking for something truly special that will light up the recipient’s face—CHUS is where your journey begins.

We infuse every detail with care, offering unique touches like elegant gift wrapping and personalized service. This approach transforms each gift into a memorable experience rather than just a transaction.

While many e-commerce platforms focus primarily on pricing, CHUS stands apart by combining value with a deep sense of quality and genuine thoughtfulness. For those who seek more than just a slight price difference and prioritize a meaningful, high-quality gift-giving experience, CHUS guarantees to make every moment truly special.

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The Next Step in the Customer Journey

As we continue this exploration of the gifting process, it’s clear that platforms tailored to specific needs, like CHUS, are best equipped to meet the demands of thoughtful gift-givers. In the next part of our series, we'll delve into how "Gift Wrapping vs. Creative Gifts" can further elevate the gifting experience, ensuring that every detail of your gift reflects the care and thoughtfulness you intend.