In an era where everything has to be fast and urgent, finding peace in the soul doesn't seem easy. Can anyone bear to slow down a bit when they are always afraid that they will fall behind?

With La Touche, you can do that as well as let your spirit rest when you are always racing for clothes and money. Let's find out with CHUS how La Touche did it.

La Touche: A touch of tranquility for your inner world

In a world that constantly demands our attention, finding moments of peace and solace can feel like a luxury. But what if creating a haven of tranquility wasn't about grand gestures, but rather a gentle touch from nature that nurtures your inner world? 

This is the philosophy behind La Touche, a brand built on the belief that true comfort extends beyond the physical, reaching into the depths of our minds and souls.

Founded by individuals who share a passion for relaxation and well-being, La Touche isn't just about creating products; it's about cultivating a mindful way of life. They recognize the interconnectedness of our inner world – where thoughts, emotions, and spirit reside – and how it shapes our overall experience.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

A Natural Embrace for Relaxation

La Touche's approach to relaxation is as natural as it gets. They meticulously craft their products using sustainable and eco-friendly materials, prioritizing the well-being of both the user and the environment. They used natural scrap such as mung bean husks to make high-quality zafus, zabutons or yoga bolsters by hand. All of the materials are nature-based, safe to both health and the environment.

The brand doesn't stop there. They handcraft each zabuton and yoga bolster, ensuring meticulous attention to detail and quality. This dedication to the craft translates into products that not only feel good but also exude a sense of care and intention.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Beyond Comfort: A Gateway to Inner Peace

La Touche's products are designed to be companions on your journey towards inner peace. The delicate designs, often inspired by nature's calming patterns, create a sense of serenity in your practice space.

More than aesthetics, La Touche infuses their products with meaningful names. Imagine practicing yoga with the "Omdee" bolster, a name that subtly evokes the sacred sound "Om," a universal symbol of peace and oneness. These subtle touches serve as gentle reminders to focus inward and cultivate a sense of tranquility.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

A Gift for Yourself and Others

La Touche's products are more than just self-care essentials; they're thoughtful gifts for loved ones. Perhaps you know someone who needs a quiet corner for meditation, or someone seeking to improve their yoga practice. A La Touche zafu or zabuton becomes a gift of comfort and a catalyst for inner exploration.

From creating a comfortable meditation space to providing back support during yoga practice, La Touche products become companions on individual journeys towards inner peace.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Exploring a world of tranquility with La Touche on CHUS

La Touche brings to its collection products that not only help you relax and calm your nerves, but also gently embrace souls in need of healing.

Wrist pillow 

Filled with flaxseed, the pillow can be used for hot or cold therapy, providing targeted relief for aching muscles and joints. The design features a smart and comfortable shape that gently hugs the wrist, soothing tense nerves and promoting relaxation. It’s made of soft satin cotton, ensuring a soothing experience.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Kapok Zabuton and mung bean Zafu

The set of zafu and zabuton from La Touche will bring you and your loved ones moments of relaxation and tranquility.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Serenity meditation shawl

The craftsmen at La Touche have chosen linen to make this serenity meditation shawl thanks to its lightweight nature, friendly to your skin and the environment. It comes in a large size and with the proper thickness to effectively maintain your energy and body heat when meditating.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Kapok Yoga bolster 

This kapok yoga bolster will be an effective assistant for yoga practice to avoid joint pain, especially suitable for pregnant women.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs

Scented dream pillow 

The dream pillow works by using organic seeds, flower buds and floral essential oils. The case is made of soft linen fabric, which will bring you comfort as well as be safe for your health and the environment. Your mind and body will be thoroughly relaxed with the gentle floral scents every time you use this pillow.

La Touche, thư giãn tại nhà, home relaxing, chườm giảm đau, pain reliever, thảo mộc thư giãn, relaxing herbs


La Touche offers more than just relaxation products; they offer a path towards inner peace. By embracing their philosophy and incorporating their thoughtfully crafted items into your life, you can create a haven of tranquility within yourself, no matter where you may be. So, take a deep breath, find your center, and allow La Touche to guide you on your journey towards a more peaceful and mindful you.

Find a way to bring serenity to your inner peace now with La Touche right on CHUS!