As the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, bringing with it the sweet aroma of mooncakes and a warm, festive atmosphere, many of us worry about the calories these treats add to our diet. How can you enjoy these traditional delights without compromising your figure? The answer lies in smartly pairing mooncakes with fermented drinks.

Do Mooncakes Make You Gain Weight?

Bánh trung thu dù ngon nhưng lại chứa nhiều năng lượng.

Simple answer, Yes, if you enjoy a little too much!

Mooncakes, though delicious, are high in sugar and calories. This festive treat, with its rich flavors and round shape symbolizing unity, can become a concern for those mindful of their weight. Each small mooncake packs a surprising amount of calories:

  • A traditional mooncake with lotus seed paste or red bean filling, weighing about 200g, can contain up to 800-900 kcal.
  • Mooncakes with mixed nuts, which combine various oil-rich nuts, may contain 1000-1100 kcal.
  • Giant mooncakes on the market, weighing up to 1kg, can deliver a whopping 2700-3500 kcal.

To manage weight, enjoy mooncakes in moderation. Given their rich, sometimes overly sweet or savory flavors, it’s best to have just a small portion—one slice is enough. You don't need to finish all one yourself; mooncakes are meant to be shared with loved ones after all!

Additionally, consider pairing your mooncakes with fermented drinks to aid digestion and balance out the calories.

Fermented Drinks Help You Enjoy Mooncakes Without Cramps

Fermented beverages like kombucha, kefir, or even a small glass of beer contain probiotics that are beneficial for gut health. These probiotics can aid digestion, boost the immune system, and help control weight by:

  • Balancing gut microbiota: A healthy gut flora positively impacts metabolism and weight management.
  • Reducing fat absorption: Some studies suggest probiotics can help decrease fat absorption from food, thus reducing calorie intake.
  • Increasing satiety: Probiotics can stimulate the production of hunger-suppressing hormones, helping you control portion sizes better.

Research shows that fermented drinks may help reduce fat and sugar absorption and increase feelings of fullness, preventing overeating.

Fermented Drink Pairings Perfect for Mooncakes

To enjoy mooncakes without worrying about weight gain, try pairing them with these refreshing fermented beverages:

1. Kombucha:

With its variety of flavors and low calorie content, kombucha is an excellent choice to accompany mooncakes. Opt for traditional flavors like green tea or black tea, or fruity options like strawberry, mango, or pineapple for a flavorful match.


Kombucha could make your stomach feel lighter after a meal

2. Kefir:

This fermented drink has a tangy taste and is rich in probiotics. Kefir not only aids digestion but also strengthens your immune system, making it a great complement to both sweet and savory mooncake fillings.

Kefir có vị chua nhẹ, thanh mát, kết hợp tốt với cả bánh trung thu nhân ngọt và mặn.

Kefir has a subtle sour flavor, perfect for pairing with mooncakes
3. Yogurt Drinks:

A familiar choice, opt for low or no-sugar yogurt drinks to manage calorie intake while enjoying your mooncakes.

4. Fruit Vinegar:

Dilute some fruit vinegar with water and honey to create a refreshing drink that supports digestion and weight management. Avoid drinking vinegar on an empty stomach to prevent stomach irritation.

5. Wine:

A modest glass of red wine can be an interesting pairing with mooncakes. Red wine contains resveratrol, a potent antioxidant that benefits cardiovascular health and may help reduce the risk of obesity.

Tips for Pairing Mooncakes with Fermented Drinks

While combining mooncakes with fermented drinks offers many benefits, keep these points in mind for a healthy and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival:

  • Choose Low-Sugar Drinks: Mooncakes are already high in sugar, so opt for fermented drinks with low or no added sugar to avoid extra calories.
  • Drink Moderately: Even though fermented drinks have health benefits, moderation is key. Limit intake to avoid negative effects on liver and digestive health.
  • Balance with Diet and Exercise: Fermented drinks are just one part of managing weight. Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and proteins, and stay active. 

Kết hợp bánh trung thu với đồ uống lên men

Pair mooncakes with fermented drinks

Enjoying mooncakes with fermented drinks lets you savor the Mid-Autumn Festival without the weight gain worries. Remember, the joy of celebrating with family is what truly matters—don’t let calorie concerns overshadow the festive spirit.