- Cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm tuyệt vời này, Gu cảm ơn ạ!
Turn a pillowcase into a meaningful, personal gift when ordering custom name embroidery. You just:
- Choose the Personalized Service depending on the number of letters you want to embroider
- Note the name you want to embroider in the "Customer note to brand" box
- You can add your message if you want buy it as a gift. Seller will help to write it in the card
- Size: 50cm - 70cm
- Material: 75% Cotton, 25% poly

If you’re looking for a high-quality pillowcase at a reasonable price, this Premium Cotton Pillowcase will not disappoint.
Products are made from imported premium cotton that is smooth, cool, less wrinkled, and does not get ruffled up after washing. With quality material, vibrant colors and delicate design, Premium Cotton Pillowcase will be a great mix-and-match for all kinds of decorations.
Turn a pillowcase into a meaningful, personal gift when ordering custom name embroidery. You just:
- Choose the Personalized Service depending on the number of letters you want to embroider- Note the name you want to embroider in the "Customer note from to brand" box. Depending on the number of words you want to embroider, the fee will vary
- You can add your message if you want buy it as a gift. Seller will help to write it in the card

Chus note
Special note
Why we CHUS it
About Goûttobed

Goûttobed is a Vietnamese brand that specialises in superior quality beddings using local materials and fabrics. Just six years ago, it was a big challenge to find high quality and reasonable bedding products in Vietnam. This when Phuong, founder of Goûttobed, who is a lawyer by profession decided to establish Goûttobed and fill the void in the market
Phuong came up with the idea after thoroughly understanding the concerns of the consumers and using the expertise from her family's garment business. After sewing custom made beddings for a few families, she slowly built Goûttobed as a premium custom tailored bedding brand.
At Goûttobed they believe that on an average a person spends a third of their lifetime in bed and they want their customers to cherish that experience. They aspire to set benchmarks in the industry and therefore put in time and research to ensure every small detail and deliver a high quality experience.
- Rất cảm kích vì đánh giá tích cực của bạn! Gu sẽ tiếp tục nỗ lực để mang đến sản phẩm tốt nhất.
- Gu cảm ơn nhiều ạ, hi vọng tiếp tục được bạn ủng hộ
- That's wonderful to hear, there's still a lot of pillowcase for you to choose!
- Thank you so much for trusting our products, we hope to see you again
- We are glad that you guys like it, thank for choosing us
- Uiii Gu cảm ơn nhiều ạaaa, Gu sẽ luôn cố gắng cải thiện sản phẩm để trở nên vượt trội hơn nữa nhaaa
- Thank you so so much, we are glad that you like it
- Rất cảm kích vì đánh giá tích cực của bạn! Gu sẽ tiếp tục nỗ lực để mang đến sản phẩm tốt nhất
- Gu cảm ơn nhiều ạ, mong tương lai tiếp tục được bạn ủng hộ nhaaa