- Chus chào bạn. Cảm ơn bạn đã dành thời gian chia sẻ trải nghiệm mua sắm tại Chus. Chus và nhà bán rất vui vì bạn đã lựa chọn được sản phẩm ưng ý. Hy vọng bạn sẽ luôn ủng hộ và tin dùng sản phẩm tại Chus trong thời gian tới ạ. Cần hỗ trợ thêm, bạn cứ nhắn Chus bất kì lúc nào. Chúc bạn và gia đình nhiều sức khỏe ạ!
Please let us know the bouquet color you want for the flowers. If there is no specific requirement, a bouquet of random color will be sent.
For bulk orders of 20 items or more, please contact us at 090 673 2906 or via Zalo CHUS for a quick quote and attractive offers.
1. Card size:
- Small card: 8 x 9cm
- Medium card: 8 x 11cm
- Large card: 9 x 12cm
Note: Card size is irrelevant to the bouquet size.
2. Materials: Art paper, dried flowers, rope

By the skillful hands of the artisans at Adora, natural dried flowers have turned into a lovely bouquet decorated on a rustic gift card. Thanks to its simple and elegant design, the card can be used alone or with a gift with lovely messages you write inside to make it more meaningful.

Chus note
Special note
Why we CHUS it

ADORA is a naturally scented candle brand from Vietnam. The brand also produces scented wax with natural essential oils.
The founder always wanted to find the perfect way to relax and relieve stress after hours of office work.
She acknowledged the miracle of essential oils by accident and realised how effective it was to help her relieve stress. After spending time learning and researching, she realized most of the scented candles containing essential oils are imported at a high price. This was a main hindrance in reaching out to many potential customers.
Instead of finding a cheaper source with no guarantee of quality, she decided to work with domestic essential oil companies. Therefore, all products at ADORA are made with natural essential oils. These ingredients create unique scents that last for a long time, but are also marketed at a reasonable price for customers.
At ADORA, you can easily choose for yourself a suitable item to heal and nourish your health.