Giving gifts to your lover is an art, and a hair brush or comb is a gift that gets attention but also causes debate due to its meanings. So, should you give a brush or comb to your lover? The answer is not straightforward. Some beliefs suggest that a brush or comb might bring bad luck. But is that really the case? Let’s delve into the reasons why people might hesitate to choose a brush or comb as a gift, and what a hair brush or comb symbolizes in a romantic relationship.

1. tặng lược cho người yêu

Reasons People Avoid Giving Brushes or Combs:

1. A Brush or Comb as a Symbol of Separation

A brush or comb can be seen as a symbol of separation or parting. This meaning arises from the act of untangling and separating hair, which can be likened to a relationship ending or breaking apart.

Additionally, some believe that giving a brush or comb to a girlfriend might lead to her "brushing" you out of her life, meaning she might leave you.

Therefore, many worry that giving a brush or comb might bring bad omens and bad luck to their relationship.

2. tặng lược là chia tay

2. Brush or Comb in Spiritual Culture

In some cultures, a brush or comb is considered an item used to comb the hair of the deceased, making it unlucky to give one to a living person.

So, is it bad to give a brush or comb? The answer depends on individual beliefs and customs. For those who hold these beliefs, you should avoid giving a brush or comb because it symbolizes bad luck and death.

3. Personal Nature of Brushes and Combs

A brush or comb might be seen as an inappropriate gift because it is associated with grooming. In some cultures, such as Islam, hair is considered a very private and sensitive part of the body.

Giving a brush or comb might be seen as an invasion of privacy or disrespect, making the recipient uncomfortable.

3. lược riêng tư

4. Brush or Comb as a Non-Romantic Gift

A brush or comb does not evoke romantic feelings like other gifts such as roses or jewelry. People often think of a brush or comb as an everyday item, lacking the element of surprise and romance.

In a romantic relationship, thoughtful and romantic gifts often convey affection more subtly. Thus, a brush or comb might be seen as unromantic and insufficient to make your lover feel special.

Signifiance of a Gift Brush or Comb

So, should you give a brush or comb or not? Despite the controversy, a hair brush or comb can carry special meanings in a relationship. Giving a brush or comb can signify respect, care, and subtle attention to your lover. Let’s explore the hidden meanings behind this gift:

1. Appreciating Beauty Interests

Giving a brush or comb shows that you appreciate her interest in beauty. A brush or comb is not just a hair care tool but also a compliment to her beauty and grace.

By giving a brush or comb, you send the message that you care about her always looking beautiful and confident. This shows your understanding and respect for the small yet important things in your lover’s life.

4. trân trọng sở thích làm đẹp

2. Desire to Care and Be Close

Giving a brush or comb is a way to express your desire to care for and be close to your lover. A brush or comb is a daily item that helps maintain neat and beautiful hair.

When you give a brush or comb, you are subtly saying that you want to care for her, share everyday moments, and stay connected in all situations. This shows commitment and deep affection in your relationship.

5. tặng lược bên cạnh mỗi ngày

3. Thoughtfulness and Sensitivity

A carefully chosen brush or comb demonstrates your thoughtfulness and sensitivity toward your girlfriend or boyfriend. Choosing a brush or comb that suits their hair type and preferences shows that you pay attention to the smallest details.

This meticulous care helps them feel your love and attentiveness. It’s a wonderful way to show that you always listen and understand what your partner needs and wants.

4. Practicality

Lastly, a brush or comb is a highly practical gift. In daily life, a good brush or comb will always be useful and appreciated.

Giving a brush or comb shows that you think about not only luxurious gifts but also useful, practical items. This demonstrates that you are a thoughtful person who cares about your lover’s essential needs, thereby building a strong and sincere relationship.

How to Give a Brush or Comb as Gift Appropriately

Given the various meanings of brushes and combs, giving one to your lover should be done thoughtfully and carefully. Here are some suggestions for choosing and giving a brush or comb appropriately:

1. Function of the Brush or Comb

Hair brushes and combs serve different purposes such as detangling, styling, scalp massaging, and shampooing. Each type of brush or comb serves a specific purpose, helping with comprehensive hair care. Choose one that suits your lover’s needs and preferences to show your special attention.

6. lược có nhiều chức năng

2. Material and Design of the Brush or Comb

Brushes and combs can be made from plastic, wood, or handcrafted horn. The teeth of the brush or comb can be made from soft plastic, hard plastic, or boar bristles. Each material provides a different experience. Design and style are also important, from color to shape, it should be convenient, light, and easy to use. Choosing a brush or comb that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical will make your lover even more pleased.

7. lược có nhiều chất liệu, thiết kế

3. Brand

Choose products from reputable brands rather than cheap, easily breakable items. A brush or comb from a trusted brand not only ensures quality but also shows you are thoughtful and meticulous. A reputable brand will make your gift more valuable and appreciated.

4. Include Other Hair Care Products

To make the gift even more special, you can include other hair care products such as hair oil, hair perfume, or hair masks. These products will provide a comprehensive hair care experience for your lover, showing your delicate and profound concern.

8. tặng kèm lược với quà khác

5. Accompany the Brush or Comb with a Note

When giving a brush or comb, don’t forget to include a small card with a heartfelt message. A sincere wish or a loving message will make the gift more meaningful. Let your lover feel your sincerity and affection through your words.


We hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of giving a brush or comb and how to do it appropriately. If you’re looking for other gifts or a variety of hair care products, visit Chus to choose the best products. Wishing you success in expressing your love and care for your partner.