When choosing a gift for your girlfriend, the thoughtfulness and consideration behind it matter more than its price tag. An inappropriate gift can make her feel undervalued. Remember, even a small gift with sincere affection is the best. Let's go through the list of gifts you should avoid giving to your girlfriend!

12 Taboo Gifts for Your Girlfriend and the Myths Behind Them

1. Mirrors

In gift-giving culture, mirrors can carry hidden taboos, especially when given to a girlfriend. In Western beliefs, breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. Giving a mirror might imply a fractured relationship, making the recipient feel uneasy.

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Myth Busting: Mirrors are actually great decorative and practical gifts, loved by many for their ability to enhance the beauty and style of one's living space.


2. Sharp Objects

Sharp objects like knives, scissors, and needles have long been considered ill-omened gifts. These items symbolize conflicts and disputes that could lead to a breakup. They are top of the list of gifts to avoid as they can unintentionally bring negative emotions and anxiety, affecting her mood and spirit.

Myth Busting: Except in rare cases, it's generally best to avoid giving sharp objects to your girlfriend.

3. Empty Wallets or Handbags

In many cultures, empty wallets and handbags symbolize financial scarcity and hardship. Avoid giving an empty wallet as it is believed to bring bad luck and affect financial fortune for both of you.

Myth Busting: To avoid negative connotations, simply place a small amount of money or coins in the wallet or handbag to symbolize prosperity and good fortune.

4. Empty Picture Frames

The belief that giving an empty picture frame is unlucky stems from Eastern culture, where picture frames represent family, prosperity, and fulfillment. An empty frame suggests lack and emptiness, potentially bringing bad luck to the recipient.

Tranh trống là món quà kiêng ky khi lựa chọn đồ vật tặng bạn gái

Myth Busting: Instead of giving an empty frame, consider including a beautiful photo, artwork, or simple decoration like dried flowers.


5. High Heels

Some believe that since shoes are worn on the feet, giving them might cause the recipient to walk away from the relationship. However, this is an unfounded belief.

Myth Busting: If your girlfriend frequently wears high heels, this can be a meaningful gift. But if she rarely wears them or has health issues related to her joints, it's best to avoid this gift. When you know her preferences and shoe size well, a pair of high heels can still be a practical gift showing your care and understanding.

6. Pearls

According to some legends, pearls are formed from the tears of mermaids, symbolizing sadness, loneliness, and sorrow. Pearls might imply bringing tears and sadness to your girlfriend.

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Myth Busting: On the contrary, pearls are a symbol of purity, elegance, and luxury. Known as the "Queen of Gems," they hold both material value and beauty. If you can afford it, pearl jewelry is always an impressive and regal gift.


7. White Flowers

White flowers have long been associated with funerals, separation, and bad luck. However, their meaning isn't limited to negative connotations. In some cultures, white flowers symbolize eternity, longevity, and good luck.

Không nên tặng hoa trắng mang ý nghĩa đau thương

Myth Busting: Consider your girlfriend's thoughts on receiving flowers, as well as her cultural background. Knowing her views on flowers as gifts will help you choose appropriately and avoid misunderstandings.


8. Perfume

Choosing perfume comes with "hidden risks" that you should be aware of to avoid misunderstandings. Some believe that giving perfume might imply "wiping away" the relationship, as the fragrance can evaporate and disappear gradually.

Myth Busting: However, perfume is still a popular and well-loved gift. The reason for caution is that perfume lovers tend to be particular about specific scents. Choosing a fragrance that matches her taste can create lasting memories in your relationship.


9. Candles

Candles are often chosen for their beautiful glow and romantic significance. However, depending on perspective, candles can also be linked to funerals, bringing a sense of foreboding. This is particularly true if the relationship isn't yet stable.

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Myth Busting: Conversely, scented candles are favored for creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. When choosing candles as a gift, pick scents that your girlfriend loves to show your attentiveness and care.


10. Handkerchiefs, Towels or Scarves

Handkerchiefs can signify bad luck as they are associated with wiping tears at funerals. Handkerchiefs and towels are also used for cleaning, which may link them to dirtiness. However, scarves can still be appropriate gifts in certain situations.

Myth Busting: Handkerchiefs are practical and useful if your girlfriend values cleanliness. If you want to gift a scarf as an accessory, it's perfect for fashion-conscious girls. Include a positive message with the scarf to enhance its meaning.

11. Soap

Soap might imply "washing away" or "cleaning off" a relationship. Additionally, it can be seen as an insensitive gift, suggesting that the recipient needs to improve their hygiene, which can be offensive.

Myth Busting: Handmade soap from natural ingredients is a well-liked gift among girls. Choosing a soap with a fragrance she loves shows thoughtfulness. This gift should only be given when the relationship is already close and understanding.

12. Silver

Some superstitions say silver, which can tarnish and oxidize, symbolizes a relationship losing its initial warmth and passion. Silver is also seen as a cold metal, unlike warm, precious gold. Therefore, silver might be misunderstood as a sign of a lack of deep affection.

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Myth Busting: In reality, silver jewelry is elegant and popular among young people for its versatility and style. When gifting silver jewelry, select a design with special meaning to express your sincere and deep feelings.


The idea of taboo gifts comes from folk beliefs and cultural practices passed down through generations. These notions often carry unique meanings and beliefs.

Some of these superstitions have no scientific basis. The most important aspect of gift-giving is the sincerity and care from the giver to the recipient. If you're looking for meaningful gifts for your girlfriend, visit Chus and shop for gifts now!