In the scorching summer heat, finding refreshing and detoxifying drinks becomes more important than ever. These beverages not only quench your thirst but also provide essential nutrients, cleanse your body, and boost your health. Let's explore the effective cooling and detoxifying drinks below.

Cooling and Detoxifying Drinks

1. Herbal Vietnamese Tea Infusion (Nước Sâm)

Herbal Vietnamese tea infusion, known as Nước sâm or Nước mát is a popular cooling drink in many places, especially in Asian cuisine. Made from herbs such as winter melon, sugarcane, seaweed, chrysanthemum, and luo han guo, herbal tea helps cool the body, detoxify, and provide energy. Additionally, it boosts the immune system, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances skin beauty.

nước sâm hoặc nước mát giải nhiệt healthy

2. Kudzu Root Drink (Sắn Dây)

Kudzu root drink is a natural and easy-to-make cooling beverage. When mixed with water, kudzu root starch creates a refreshing drink that cools the body and detoxifies. It may aid in weight loss and supports digestion. For added flavor, you can mix in some lemon or honey. This simple yet effective drink helps keep your body cool on hot days.

sắn dây

3. Gum Tragacanth Drink (Mủ Trôm)

Gum tragacanth, derived from the tragacanth tree, is a natural resin that looks like bird's nest. It not only cools the body but also detoxifies, improves liver and kidney function, and enhances digestion. Mix gum tragacanth with water, adding some rock sugar or lemon for flavor. Its cooling and detoxifying properties make it a great choice for summer.

mủ trôm việt nam

4. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from green or black tea, rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which help prevent cancer cell spread. It also contains probiotics, enzymes, polyphenols, and acetic acid, which benefit the digestive system. These components enhance absorption and digestion, promoting digestive health. With its slightly sour and refreshing taste, kombucha is an excellent choice for cooling down and staying healthy.


5. Fruit Detox Water

Fruit detox water is a beloved cooling and detoxifying drink, especially among women. Combine various fruits like lemon, cucumber, strawberries, and mint to create delicious and nutritious detox water. It helps detoxify the body, provides vitamins and minerals, beautifies the skin, and boosts health. For best results, drink detox water regularly.

nước detox

Tips for Drinking Water in Hot Weather

  • Avoid too cold water: Extremely cold water can cause thermal shock to the body, harming the stomach and digestive system. Opt for room temperature or slightly cool water.
  • Drink enough water: The body loses more water through sweat on hot days. Ensure you drink 2-3 liters of water daily to stay hydrated.
  • Drink slowly: Drinking water too quickly can reduce the body's absorption capacity and cause bloating. Drink slowly, in small sips, for better absorption.
  • Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks: These can cause more dehydration. Choose natural cooling drinks like herbal tea, kudzu root drink, gum tragacanth drink, kombucha, and fruit detox water.
  • Drink regularly: Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. Stay hydrated throughout the day to maintain balance.
uống nước khi trời nóng

Bottom lines

Choosing refreshing and detoxifying drinks like herbal tea, kudzu root drink, gum tragacanth drink, kombucha, and fruit detox water is a great way to stay healthy and comfortable during hot days. These beverages not only quench your thirst but also provide valuable nutrients, boost your immune system, and support digestion.

We hope this article has provided useful information to help you choose healthy drinks. Try out these suggestions from CHUS for a cool and energetic summer!