Cold water is a favorite choice for many during hot summer days. However, is drinking ice-cold water during your period a smart choice for women? What’s the truth behind this common concern? Let’s dive in with Chus to uncover the facts!

Should You Drink Cold Water During Your Period?

Experts generally advise against drinking cold water during menstruation for several reasons:

  • Impact on Uterine Muscle Contraction: During your menstrual cycle, uterine contractions are essential to shed the uterine lining. Drinking cold water can cool the body from within, reducing the uterus’s ability to contract. This not only slows down the process but may also lead to sharper and more uncomfortable pains.

  • Reduced Blood Circulation: Cold water can cause the blood vessels to constrict, limiting blood flow to the uterus. This can slow down the process of shedding the uterine lining, potentially extending your period and causing unnecessary discomfort.

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Avoid drinking cold water on menstruation

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Women’s bodies are highly sensitive to temperature changes, especially during menstruation. Drinking cold water can disrupt hormone balance, leading to mood swings and increasing the risk of premenstrual symptoms like stress, fatigue, and irritability.

  • Digestive Issues: Some women may experience digestive problems when drinking cold water during their period. Cold water can irritate the stomach lining and intestines, leading to symptoms like diarrhea or indigestion.

What to Drink During Your Period?

1. Carrot Juice

Carrots are rich in bromelain, an enzyme that effectively soothes menstrual pain. Carrot juice also helps balance blood flow, reducing cramps and fatigue during your period. The combination of vitamins and minerals in carrots can improve your mood, leaving you feeling more comfortable.

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2. Coconut Water

Coconut water is sweet, mild, and beneficial during menstruation. It contains electrolytes that promote blood circulation and boost the immune system. Additionally, coconut water can reduce nausea and ease menstrual cramps.

3. Celery Juice

Celery is hydrating and low in calories, helping prevent bloating and discomfort during your period. Drinking celery juice can quickly relieve cramps and provide the energy needed to stay healthy during these days.

4. Beet Juice

Beetroot is highly effective in reducing menstrual cramps. When combined with cumin powder, it creates a drink that significantly alleviates pain when consumed in the morning. Beets not only reduce pain but also regulate your menstrual cycle. You can also incorporate beetroot into your diet with nutritious soups.

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5. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory properties and reduces muscle spasms, making it a great remedy for menstrual cramps. Drinking chamomile tea also helps relax and calm your nerves, providing comfort during your period.

6. Mugwort Tea

Mugwort is warm in nature and helps improve blood circulation, prevent stagnation, and alleviate cramps. You can grind mugwort leaves and drink the juice twice a day for the best results.

7. Ginger Tea

Ginger is warm and soothing, helping to balance hormones and regulate your menstrual cycle. Fresh ginger also helps the uterus contract more gently, reducing uterine cramps and easing menstrual pain.


8. Warm Water

Instead of drinking cold water during your period, switch to warm or lukewarm water. Drinking a glass of warm water helps relax the uterus and stimulate blood vessels, effectively reducing pain.

During your period, you should aim to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of warm water daily. If you’re feeling uncomfortable and unsure what to drink, warm water should be your go-to choice.

9. Aloe Vera and Honey Water

Aloe vera and honey make a perfect combination to soothe menstrual cramps and regulate your cycle. Drinking aloe vera and honey water regularly during your period will reduce pain and bring comfort.

10. Orange Juice

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which helps alleviate menstrual cramps and supports digestion. Drinking orange juice before your period can reduce bloating and boost your energy levels. The vitamin C in oranges also benefits your skin and prevents acne during menstruation.

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11. Green Papaya Leaf Juice

Green papaya leaf juice helps relieve menstrual cramps and reduce bloating. Adding a pinch of salt to green papaya leaf juice can help regulate your cycle and treat menstrual disorders.

12. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants and promotes good blood circulation, helping the uterus contract less forcefully and reducing cramps and aches. Drinking green tea during your period can improve your overall health.

13. Warm Milk with Cinnamon

Cinnamon has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively reduce menstrual cramps. Drinking warm milk with cinnamon not only boosts your immune system but also provides quick pain relief.

14. Apples

Apples contain the enzyme bromelain, which helps reduce pain, particularly severe menstrual cramps. You can eat apples directly or drink apple juice to alleviate cramps and improve your health during your period.

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In conclusion, it’s best to avoid or limit cold water consumption during your period to maintain good health. To reduce cramps and uterine spasms, consider trying the 14 beverages listed above. Don’t forget to combine these drinks with light exercise to ensure a pleasant day!