Black tea and hongcha are two familiar terms for tea enthusiasts. However, many people often find themselves puzzled by the distinctions between them. The answer may come as a surprise - because, in reality, black tea and hongcha are one and the same. Interestingly, hongcha is "red tea" in Chinese. Why does the same type of tea have two different names, leading to such confusion? Let's delve into the reasons together with Chus.

hồng trà, trà đen, black tea, sự khác nhau giữa hồng trà và trà đen, the difference between hongcha  and black tea

Are Black Tea and hongcha different or the same?

In theory, black tea and hongcha refer to the same type of tea. They are all produced from Camellia sinensis tea leaves. So why do we have two names for the same type of tea?

The name '红茶' (hongcha) actually originates from China, people call it that name because when brewed, the tea has a reddish color. On the other hand, it was in the 17th century when British and Dutch traders first came to China to buy tea. They call it 'black' because dried tea is black and the name 'black tea' was introduced to Europe at that time and is used until now. So calling it black tea or hongcha depends on whether it is translated into English or Chinese.

hồng trà, trà đen, black tea, sự khác nhau giữa hồng trà và trà đen, the difference between hongcha  and black tea

In fact, in Vietnam, many people use these two names to distinguish the degree of fermentation of tea. With black tea lines that have deep fermentation (100%), strong flavor according to Western taste, people will call it black tea. On the contrary, black tea products have a lighter fermentation level (80-90%), the color is not as dark as the 100% fermented line, the water color is rosy red, the aftertaste is not too acrid but slightly sweet although It's also black tea, but to make it easier to distinguish, people will call it hongcha.

hồng trà, trà đen, black tea, sự khác nhau giữa hồng trà và trà đen, the difference between hongcha  and black tea

Black tea that is 80-90% fermented has a rosy red color - often called hongcha.


hồng trà, trà đen, black tea, sự khác nhau giữa hồng trà và trà đen, the difference between hongcha  and black tea
Black tea that is 100% fermented has a deep red-black color - often called black tea.

What is Red Tea?

Now for the term "red tea," it doesn't refer to the hongcha, or the “red tea” in Chinese. The other common name for this type of tea is Rooibos tea, created from the leaves of the rooibos plant (scientifically known as Aspalathus linearis), a native plant in Africa.

"Red tea" made from rooibos is considered an herbal tea, not traditional tea, and it's unrelated to black tea. The tea exhibits a beautiful reddish infusion, offering a visually appealing cup of herbal goodness.

hồng trà nam phi, trà rooibos, trà đỏ, red tea
 Rooibos tea is a herbal tea originating from Africa

Bottom line

Based on the fermentation properties and taste of the tea, you can choose the type of tea that suits your needs and preferences. For example, if you want to make milk tea with a strong tea flavor, you can choose black tea (100% deep fermentation), and if you want a mellow and harmonious taste to make fruit tea, you can choose hongcha (a type of black tea is fermented 80-90%).  

Chus hopes that this article can help you distinguish between the names hongcha, black tea and red tea. Based on your preferences and needs, you can choose the type of tea that suits you. If you are looking for high-quality beverages made from tea and infusions, don't forget to visit Chus!