Ingredients: Pomelo peel distilled water, coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, argan oil, aloe vera, vitamin E, mint essential oil

If you have damaged hair due to regular styling then you can give your hair great care with Co Bo Coconut Pomelo Conditioner from Rum.
This conditioner is made of herbal oils that absorb fast, helping hair retrieve needed nutrients. Eventually, your hair will revive and get back to its natural shine. Additionally, the mint essential oil also helps you feel refreshed and more relaxed when using it.

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About Rùm - Khu rừng thiên nhiên

Amid all the noise, there’s Rum, thought to be a “natural forest” where you can find natural handmade body care products to take care of both your body and mind in the most natural way.
Rum thinks that negative things come from the imbalance of energy. And natural products will help move the energy flows around to take you back to a balanced state, where your mind and body are at peace.
Therefore, Rum is very meticulous when choosing its ingredients. Only natural herbs and essential oils are used in its products, ensuring the original quality before getting to the hand of customers. After regular usage, you can tell the result always comes from the simplest things: familiar elements that are born from mother nature.
What comes from the heart will touch the heart. The Rum team puts its heart and soul into the work so that you can feel the love when using them. Rum hopes you will always find natural healing solutions with products from the brand.