Crackle Glaze Incense Burner, Premium Incense Burner, Incense Stick Burner, Incense Aroma Diffuser, Handmade Incense Burner

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Brand: VEN


Huế City, Thừa Thiên Huế Province

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Incense burner | Agarwood | Premium | Natural | Eco-friendly | Sustainable

Crackle Glaze Incense Burner, Premium Incense Burner, Incense Stick Burner, Incense Aroma Diffuser, Handmade Incense Burner

When being tackled by all the ups and downs of life, burn some agarwood incense to relax your mind. In a quiet place, the natural agarwood scent will soothe your soul, remove your stress, and help you come back to yourself.

Crackle Glaze Incense Burner from VEN can be used for incense burning, leaving a pleasant scent around the home, purifying the air. This product is handmade with high heat endurance, very suitable for meditations, ceremonies or tea sessions.

Why we CHUS it

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Brand & Producer
  • Handmade Agarwood incense
  • Great for relaxation, air-purifying, health
  • A traditional product only from Hue
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  • Natural ingredients: 98% agarwood incense, 2% bời-lời glue
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Manufacturing process
  • Handmade


- Size:

+ Opening 7.5cm diameter

+ Body 10cm diameter

+ Height 7.2cm

- Material: Clay, metal

Chus note

How to burn incense in the burner:

- Cone incense: Light the tip of the cone so it produces a flame, then fan it off. After that, you will get an orange-glowing incense that is still burning with no fire. You can enjoy the aroma spreading from the cone now!

- Coil incense: Light the outside end of the coil using a lighter or match. Gently blow out the flame, leaving a glowing orange. And enjoy!

Caution: You should always be careful when burning anything, including incense. Make sure that everything is put out properly before leaving to prevent fire.

Crackle Glaze Incense Burner, Premium Incense Burner, Incense Stick Burner, Incense Aroma Diffuser, Handmade Incense Burner Crackle Glaze Incense Burner, Premium Incense Burner, Incense Stick Burner, Incense Aroma Diffuser, Handmade Incense Burner Crackle Glaze Incense Burner, Premium Incense Burner, Incense Stick Burner, Incense Aroma Diffuser, Handmade Incense Burner

About VEN



Huế City, Thừa Thiên Huế Province

On Chus Since: 08/02/2022



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If you love agarwood products from Hue, you cannot refuse VEN. The brand specializes in providing agarwood incense made from natural ingredients.

Incense burning has positive meanings in spiritualism and also a great impact on health. Therefore, this activity has always been preserved and practiced since ancient times.

With 30 years of experience, VEN has become a trusted brand that provides authentic Hue agarwood products. They are handmade with 98% of Dó Bầu trees and 2% of Bời-Lời glue.

These are natural and do not contain any artificial scents or chemicals. VEN products carry a natural, light scent of agarwood to help relax effectively. To have the best agarwood burning experience, choose VEN.


Phượng Vũ
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Thừa Thiên Huế
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Came to know about this mysterious agarwood bracelet with healing. Natural scent gives me a clam comfortness in a daily life. Quality is awesome! Delivery takes time because it's shipped from Hue after handcraft it. All was well explained by CHUS.
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Cái lư đẹp mà không nghĩ rẻ z, quá là hợp lý gòi
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Hồ Chí Minh
Vân Quỳnh
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La Touche
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Nông Khánh Hoàn
Dùng thoải mái, êm ái nha. Cũng dễ dàng vệ sinh. 10 điểm
La Touche
Hồ Chí Minh
Khà Duy Thông
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Hồ Chí Minh
Hoai Tran
Gối thảo mộc được thiết kế với tính năng chườm nóng lạnh. Bạn có thể dùng gối để làm giảm đau nhức cơ bắp và cung cấp sự thư giãn. Khi sử dụng nó làm lạnh, gối giúp giảm sưng và giảm đau sau chấn thương. Khi sử dụng nó nóng, gối có tác dụng thư giãn cơ và giảm căng thẳng.
La Touche
Hồ Chí Minh
My Vo
Hàng đẹp, giao nhanh