In Vietnam, we use sunscreen skincare products all the time. Sunscreen is essential for all outdoor activities here, but some SPF products contain chemical additives that can be harmful not only to you but also to the environment you enjoy on those sunny summer days. When sunscreen washes off in oceans, lakes, and rivers, it can leave chemical residues behind that are awfully harmful to marine life, particularly coral reefs. We should do something about it!

Chemical-free, mineral sunscreens are the perfect substitute to prevent your skin and our planet. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 reasons to use chemical-free sunscreen (or less sunscreen)!

Chemical-Free Sunscreen

Safe for both you and the environment

Wearing a high-necked, long-sleeve rash guard instead of just a swimming suit can significantly cut down on the amount of sunscreen you need to use on your body—and the amount that ultimately ends up in the water. “From an environmental perspective is a massive victory.”, some say.

The other way you may want to consider is avoiding sunscreens that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are the ones raising the most environmental concerns. In recent years, many sunscreen manufacturers have stopped using oxybenzone and octinoxate in their products, so finding a sunscreen without them is getting easier.

Mineral Sunscreens - More Effective at Protecting Your Skin than Chemical Products

Typical sunscreens use chemicals that can be absorbed by the skin, whereas chemical-free sunscreens use natural ingredients which sit on top of the skin and reflect UV radiation. This makes them much more effective at protecting your skin from the sun. Don’t be fooled by chemical skincare.

Feeling More Comfortable to Wear

Traditional sunscreens can often be greasy and leave a white film on your skin. Chemical-free sunscreens are much more comfortable to wear, as they do not contain any chemicals.

Chemical-Free Sunscreen

More Affordable!

Ironically, chemical ingredients like oxybenzone and octinoxate are not cheap. Chemical-free sunscreens are more affordable, as they do not contain any chemicals. No brainer, right?

Better for your skin

Traditional sunscreens often contain harsh chemicals which can dry out your skin. Chemical-free sunscreens contain natural ingredients which are gentle on your skin and will not cause any irritation.

So, what are you waiting for? It is a no-brainer to switch to a chemical-free sunscreen today and enjoy all those benefits!