Instant Seaweed Soup

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Bình Chánh District, Hồ Chí Minh City

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Macrobiotic Diet | Vegetarian | Convenient | No Preservatives | Natural Ingredients | Good For Health | Burdock Powder Soup

Instant Seaweed Soup

Tam Minh's instant seaweed soup is a great option for those who don't have time to cook. It is dried using modern technology while still retaining the same nutritional content, and it is seasoned with burdock powder, without any preservatives. This ensures that you can easily enjoy a nutritious and incredibly convenient meal.

Why we CHUS it

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Brand & Producer
  • Macrobiotic food that are quick to prepare, healthy and safe
  • Placing the health and experience of consumers as a top priority.
  • Suitable for busy individuals with limited time
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  • Various grains, nuts and seeds such as brown rice, oats, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, etc.
  • Other natural ingredients include burdock roots, arrowroot, seaweed, mushrooms, herbs, etc.
  • No artificial preservatives, flavorings or colorings
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Manufacturing process
  • Exclusive, carefully researched recipes
  • Modern, closed loop production process


- Net weight: 5.5g/ pack/ serving

- Ingredients: Seaweed, burdock root, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, sesame, salt, onion, pepper.

Chus note

Packed with 40% seaweed, this soup offers you a convenient and quality meal option right at home. The seasoning is derived from Tâm Minh's special Burdock Seasoning Powder, boasting a delicious umami taste from mushrooms and a harmonious blend of other natural ingredients.

Since the instant soup contains no preservatives, flavor enhancers, or artificial colorings, it guarantees not only deliciousness but also safety for your well-being.

Special note

1. Usage:

- Put the soup packet into the cup.

- Add enough boiling water to 140ml.

- Mix well, wait 3 minutes to use.

2. Storage: Cool and dry place.

3. Expiry date: 12 months from the manufacture day.

Instant Seaweed Soup Instant Seaweed Soup Instant Seaweed Soup

About Tâm Minh Foods

Tâm Minh Foods

Tâm Minh Foods

Bình Chánh District, Hồ Chí Minh City

On Chus Since: 15/02/2023



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Tam Minh Foods aims to make it easy and convenient to eat healthy, delicious, and nutritious food. Their products are inspired by the real-life experience of the founder's father, who lived to be 100 years old thanks to a macrobiotic diet. The brand wants to share the benefits of this diet with others, and they do so by making their products quick and easy to prepare, even for those with limited time.

All of Tam Minh Foods’ products are made with clear and transparent ingredients, and they are free from artificial additives or flavorings. The company has also developed its own plant-based seasoning blend, which is not only delicious but also completely natural.

Tam Minh Foods’ mission is to help people live healthier and happier lives. They believe that everyone, even the busiest individuals, deserves to have access to nutritious food. Their products are a testament to their commitment to this mission, and they are sure to touch the hearts of those who use them.


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Mua vì không có thời gian nấu ăn, mà ăn rồi thì mới thấy nó ngon hơn mình tưởng chứ không phải ăn để cho có nha. Rất đáng mua
Tâm Minh Foods
Hồ Chí Minh
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