"Chus, how do I create the #Vietflex avatar?"

"Chus, I don't know how to insert a profile picture into the #Vietflex frame!"

Don't worry; read through this short guide to create your own avatar, immerse yourself in #VIETFLEX with CHUS and spread the values of Vietnamese craftsmanship!

vietflex, avatar, ảnh đại diện, chus, hướng dẫn đổi ảnh đại diện

How to insert your profile picture into the #Vietflex frame:

First, click on this link and choose "Use template for new design."

Then, follow the steps from 1 to 5

vietflex, avatar, ảnh đại diện, chus, hướng dẫn đổi ảnh đại diện

vietflex, avatar, ảnh đại diện, chus, hướng dẫn đổi avatar

And there you go! But hang on, do you know what the #Vietflex profile picture frame is for? 

It's a frame to make your avatar on social media more fun and vibrant. Whether you use the frame doesn’t affect the result of #Vietflex challenge on social media. 

Vietflex Challenge Reminder 

And let CHUS remind you a bit about #Vietflex, as well as inform those who might not know:

#VietFlex is a challenge organized by CHUS to promote the beauty of Vietnamese products, especially handcrafted wonders. This challenge is to honor the rich cultural heritage of handmade art and to define the quality of Vietnamese-made goods.

vietflex, chus, việt nam, thủ công

To join the challenge, all you need to do is take a picture of yourself using a Vietnamese product, post it, and include the appropriate hashtag.

Duration: From 19/10/2023 to 16/11/2023, on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok.

Learn how to participate in the challenge here: https://chus.vn/join-vietflex-challenge-and-flex-your-style-with-vietnamese-products/