Note from brand
The product is handmade to order, so it may not be identical to the images 100%. Please feel free to Chat with Artisan or leave a note in the "Customer notes to Brand" section regarding any special design or laser engraving requests. The maximum limit for inner graving is 20 characters, and for outer graving, it is recommended to choose one symbol or abbreviated characters (e.g., Jasmine Smith - JS)

“THƠ” Gold Plated Ring

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District 1, Hồ Chí Minh City
This product is made to order

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Gold Plated Silver | Gold Plated Copper | Aesthetic | Handicraft Art | Artisanal Value | Vietnamese Beauty | Oriental Beauty | Unique

“THƠ” Gold Plated Ring

The “THƠ” gold plated ring from Cuoi is inspired by the lotus leaf, a symbol of elegant beauty and the identity of Vietnamese women. The ring is designed to resemble a dried lotus leaf, honoring the eternal beauty that withstands the test of time. With its unique and impressive design, the ring is sure to turn heads and draw silent praise from everyone around whenever you wear it.

Why we CHUS it

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Brand & Producer
  • The jewelry brand focuses on creating products with unique designs conflated with traditional cultural designs
  • Promotes and values traditional art
icon chus
  • Elegance: Jewelry from natural rock with silver/gold
  • Sustainable: Jewelry from sustainable materials in nature such as basket, bamboo, water hyacinth, wood, pottery…
  • Art performance: Jewelry for performance, showcase purpose that are customized according to ideas and designs of customers
icon chus
Manufacturing process
  • There are 3 main product segments with different characteristics, materials, styles and audiences:
  • Elegance
  • Sustainable
  • Art performance


Material: Gold plated copper or Gold plated 950 silver, protective nano coating

Chus note

The lotus leaf image, seemingly large, has been simplified and miniaturized to fit perfectly on a finger. Crafted through meticulous handmade processes at each stage, with an evenly applied thick layer of gold plating, this ring ensures it will be a piece of jewelry that exudes your style without the need for any words or other expressions.

Special note

1. Ring Measurement Guide:

- Step 1: Cut a piece of notebook paper and use a ballpoint pen.

- Step 2: Wrap the paper tightly around your finger.

- Step 3: Mark the point where the paper overlaps.

- Step 4: Measure the marked distance using a ruler.

- If you already have a ring that fits, measure the diameter, take a photo, and send the information to Cuoi.

* Note: Measure snugly around your finger, as a 1mm error can affect the fit of the ring.

2. Option Recommendations:

Products worn on the hand, where they come into contact with multiple surfaces and are exposed to sweat, may fade on average in 2-3 months; if exposed to heavy sweating, they may fade in about 1 month.

- Gold-plated silver: tends to shine after some use, giving it an elegant and classy look. It is less prone to oxidation.

- Gold-plated copper: tends to develop a deeper color, giving it a vintage vibe. Additionally, copper may leave a dark greenish tint on the skin, which is easy to clean. If your skin is not too sensitive or prone to irritation, you can use gold-plated copper.

3. Maintenance Tips:

- Avoid wearing jewelry when swimming or at the beach and when using high-strength cleaning chemicals (laundry detergent, etc.).

- When not in use, gently wipe the contact surface of the product with a dry cloth to maintain its color.

- In each order, Cuoi provides a jewelry cleaning cloth for use when the product tarnishes. You can apply toothpaste and gently wipe it off with a soft cloth and water. Avoid vigorous rubbing.

4. Warranty Information:

4.1. Sizing:

When ordering online and there is a sizing error, Cuoi offers ONE free resizing within 3 days of receiving the product.

* Note: If the finger diameter is over 21mm (for Ring items), there will be a 15% surcharge on the product value.

4.2. Gold Plating:

After some use, if the gold plating fades, Cuoi will provide one free re-plating (additional re-plating will incur a 200,000VND fee).

* Note: Warranty does not apply to the following cases:

- Necklaces, earrings, bracelets that are broken or severely damaged.

- Customer provides inaccurate invoice information.

- Depending on the extent of damage to the product, Cuoi may charge for repairs if possible.

“THƠ” Gold Plated Ring “THƠ” Gold Plated Ring “THƠ” Gold Plated Ring

About Cuội Spirit

Cuội Spirit

Cuội Spirit

District 1, Hồ Chí Minh City

On Chus Since: 10/06/2021



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Cuội Spirit, a jewelry and accessories brand from Vietnam is manufacturing alternative forms of jewellery which can best be described as the perfect confluence between cultural traditions and art. The brand was started by a group of young people who study product design, and they chose jewelry as the medium to express their creativity .

At Cuội Spirit, these creators make jewelry products conflated along with 3 different values: rationality (the materials of products), direct feelings (the direct appearance) and emotions (the deep meanings that customers can feel). Because of that, they produce elegant products with utmost skill and dedication.

Just as the name “Cuội" was a traditional character in Vietnamese fairy tales, Cuội Spirit focuses on rustic beauty but not rawness; minimalism but not simplicity. Moreover, they aim to deliver a cultural awakening in Vietnam through their unique products.


Cuội Spirit
Hồ Chí Minh
Vy Pham
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Hồ Chí Minh
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Cuội Spirit
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Cuội Spirit
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