A lot of people enjoy coffee, both for its taste and its ability to boost focus and energy levels. But if you drink coffee regularly, you've likely noticed you pee more often afterwards.

This article from CHUS will explore the science behind why coffee makes you visit the restroom more frequently.

cà phê Việt Nam, Vietnamese coffee, vì sao uống cà phê hay đi tiểu, why coffee makes me want to pee

Coffee is many people's favorite drink 

The culprit behind your frequent bathroom trips after coffee?

1. Caffeine 

This stimulant, present in coffee, tea, and some sodas, gets absorbed quickly into your bloodstream once you drink coffee. While it perks you up by stimulating the central nervous system, caffeine also acts as a diuretic, increasing urine production in your body.

cà phê Việt Nam, Vietnamese coffee, vì sao uống cà phê hay đi tiểu, why coffee makes me want to pee

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system

Research suggests caffeine intake can trigger more frequent urination and a strong urge to go. Studies published in The Journal of Urology Annals found that just 4.5 grams of caffeine can have this effect. Similarly, another study in the Journal of International Urogynecology linked daily caffeine consumption of 2.4 grams to urinary incontinence. 

You can look more at: Why Does Drinking Coffee with Milk Cause Upset Stomach and How to Avoid It?

2. Caffeine and its "ability" to lead you to WC

Caffeine acts like a rev button for your kidneys, making them produce more urine. Once it enters your system, caffeine ramps up activity in various organs, including your kidneys. These hard-working filters remove waste from your blood as urine. With caffeine pushing them harder, they naturally produce more urine, leading to those frequent trips to the restroom.

cà phê Việt Nam, Vietnamese coffee, uống cà phê, drinking coffee, caffeine

There are scientific evidence on why keep visiting WC when drinking coffee

In addition, caffeine also inhibits anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) in the body. ADH is a hormone that helps the body retain water by reducing the amount of urine produced. When caffeine inhibits ADH, the body will not retain as much water, leading to increased urine output.

3. Stimulate blood circulation

Caffeine revs up your kidneys and increases blood circulation throughout the body. This one-two punch delivers more blood to your kidneys for filtering, which naturally leads to them producing more urine. That's why you might feel the urge to use the restroom soon after your coffee.

cà phê Việt Nam, Vietnamese coffee, uống cà phê, drinking coffee, caffeine

Coffee helps your blood circulation smoothly 

4. Other factors

In addition to caffeine, coffee contains many other compounds that can affect your urination. For example, coffee is acidic, which can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines, increasing the need to urinate. Furthermore, some people may be more sensitive to ingredients in coffee, leading to more frequent urination than usual.

5. Drink coffe while maintain body's hydration

Mặc dù cà phê có tác dụng lợi tiểu, nhưng nếu bạn uống cà phê điều độ, nó sẽ không gây mất nước nghiêm trọng. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn uống quá nhiều cà phê, đặc biệt là trong thời gian ngắn, cơ thể bạn có thể mất nước nhanh chóng. Để tránh tình trạng này, hãy uống nước lọc hoặc các loại nước không chứa caffeine để giữ cho cơ thể luôn đủ nước.

You can look more at: 4 Best Times to Drink Coffee During the Day and Why

Some tips to make your coffee time more enjoyable

Curb coffee's bathroom rush with these tips:

- Mind your mug count: Limit your daily coffee intake to prevent excessive urination.

- Hydrate alongside: Counteract the lost fluids by drinking plenty of filtered water with your coffee.



cà phê Việt Nam, Vietnamese coffee, uống cà phê, drinking coffee, caffeine

Drink plenty of water not to make your body dehydrated

- Go decaf: Opt for decaf coffee if you want to ditch the diuretic effect of caffeine.

- Ditch the evening cup: Save coffee for earlier in the day to avoid sleep disruptions caused by frequent bathroom breaks.


Coffee's gotta go effect: Caffeine's the culprit. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, revving up your kidneys and blocking a hormone (ADH) that helps retain water. This double whammy leads to more urine production. Coffee's acidity might also play a role. To stay hydrated and avoid extra bathroom trips, enjoy coffee in moderation and sip on filtered water alongside it.

Hope with this article, you can find yourself the answer for this problem. To discover a collection of high-quality Vietnamese coffee, check out this category on CHUS now!