Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief

Brand: Hapaku


Nam Từ Liêm District, Hà Nội City

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Herbal Heating Pack | Neck Pack | Relaxing Therapy | Natural Ingredients | Non-toxic

Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief

Relax your entire shoulders and neck after a long tiring day with the Herbal Heating Pack For Shoulder And Neck from Hapaku.

After being heated in the microwave, the herbs in the pack will diffuse the essential oils inside to relieve pain, soreness or fatigue of the shoulders and nape. Especially for those who do heavy work, sit a lot, are elderly or have a history of sciatica, this will be a great way to say goodbye to the annoying pain you have to endure every day.

Why we CHUS it

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Brand & Producer
  • The first brand of electric herbal belts and packs in Vietnam
  • Helps relieve pain, heal and relax mentally, considered safe and effective
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  • Source of high-quality herbal ingredients, traceable herbal origin in each product batch.
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Manufacturing process
  • Uses therapeutic methods to relieve joint pain, muscle tension quickly, safely and economically thanks to hot heat and herbal essence


- Size: 19 x 25 x 10cm

- Ingredients: 100% natural herbs such as mugwort, ginger, curcumin, Ligusticum striatum, lemongrass, grapefruit, lemon, Semen cassise,...

Chus note

Neck pain disease is quite common, due to many different causes such as: degeneration, herniated discs of cervical vertebrae, coronary insufficiency, lung apical tumor. The symptoms usually appear early in the morning when waking up or after working hard or getting cold.

When there are signs of neck and shoulder pain, you should use the pad to relieve the pain in the body. You should choose exercises that are suitable for your health and start practicing. You should also exercise and take breaks when sitting for long periods of time. Keep your neck straight, don't bend your neck for too long. At the same time, you should maintain a healthy diet, supplement essential minerals for the body such as: calcium, potassium, vitamins of group B, C, E etc.

Special note

1. Who should use:

- Heavy workers with muscle fatigue, back pain

- The elderly, the elderly often have shoulder and neck pain, sciatica

Office workers often sit for a long time in a position that leads to back pain, shoulder, and neck pain

- Women with menstrual pain

- People who have insomnia, have trouble sleeping

2. How to use:

- Put the pack in the microwave (microwave) at the highest heating mode (800w) for 2-3 minutes. You can spray a little clean water on the bag before putting it in the microwave.

- Apply to the aching body area and relax, you can walk normally until it cools down completely.

- It is recommended to test the appropriate temperature for heat tolerance before applying, you can increase or decrease the time in the microwave to reach the right temperature

- Use the product 1-3 times/day

3. Preservatives:

Keep in a close bag in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures

4. Expired date: 2 years

5. Notes:

- After about 300 times of use, the herbs will lose their benefits gradually. However, you still can use it as a multipurpose heat pack

- After heating, the pack can reach a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. You should be careful when placing it on the skin, adjust the temperature in accordance with the body's heat tolerance.

- Do not use on open wounds or fragile skin mucosa

- For external use only

- Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients

- Use with caution in children, not for children under 6 years old.

Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief Microwave Heating Herbal Pack For Shoulder And Neck, Pain Relief Compress, Hot Compress, Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief

About Hapaku



Nam Từ Liêm District, Hà Nội City

On Chus Since: 26/07/2021





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Hapaku, an electric herbal aims belts/packs brand from Vietnam was established with an aim to help relieve people with chronic joint pain. Hapaku is a subsidiary brand and was founded by Sen Capital, a brand focused on manufacturing health care products from natural herbs.

Hapaku is the first brand in Vietnam to apply electric heating technology, combined with traditional natural herbs that have been used as home remedies for a long time. Through constant research and testing, Hapaku has perfected a benign herbal formula with high medicinal value. Each product is a tested solution for those who often suffer from muscle and joint pain.

At Hapaku, they believe that health is the foundation for a prosperous lifestyle and strive to develop solutions for better health each day.


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Hồ Chí Minh
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